1 VAGA DE Analista Desenvolvedor EM Socorro / SP

Função/cargo da vaga:

Analista Desenvolvedor


Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.

Salário da vaga de emprego de Analista Desenvolvedor:

A combinar


Socorro / SP

Tipo de Vaga:

Home Office

Regime de contrato:


Descrição da vaga de Analista Desenvolvedor:

Develop projects that will require handling and managing relational and dimensional databases, data manipulation and query Develop and implement tasks in distributed cluster through spark. Manipulate geospatial data, using python libraries such as geopandas and shapely. Develop machine learning tasks and projects Lead and deploy projects to provide insights for grower fields conducted across latam region. Be responsible to implement a robust quality control and automated process to detect outliers for a securing data quality and integrity delivery. Responsible for supporting data analytics team and science related squads implementing innovative technologies, automated scripts. Lead the development of reporting solutions and for business stakeholders.  Ability to synthesize stakeholder requirements and deliver/propose innovative, automated solutions that meet business requirements. Develop strong, collaborative relationships with latam and global science stakeholders and cross-Functional teams to understand grower engagement needs and provide support agronomic / data analytics advice. Focal point of the data team in science-Oriented discussions. Strong critical thinking skills with an ability to communicate key ideas clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing. Responsible for the diagnosis, monitoring and highlighting of gaps in the data lifecycle and critical systems to ensure data completeness and accuracy.

Cód. 7688056
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