1 VAGA DE Sócio Diretor EM São Paulo / SP

Função/cargo da vaga:

Sócio Diretor


Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.

Salário da vaga de emprego de Sócio Diretor:

A combinar


São Paulo / SP

Tipo de Vaga:

Home Office

Regime de contrato:


Descrição da vaga de Sócio Diretor:

Must have previous experience managing a team of other details:we are looking for an seo director that will manage our seo team (us based). The seo director position is a dynamic position that involves working with people and teams throughout the day as well as possessing a very in-Depth understanding of how seo position involves managing many of the seo account managers that work for the team. The seo director will check work for the entire team to ensure that everything is functioning as it should as a seo director. Communication includes speaking with staff and customers on the phone as well as managing tasks on asana and the company crm. The director will also conduct weekly meetings and be able to help fix customer problems directly with the customers and the seo customer service reps. Seo director will be speaking to seo customers directly on the phone, most of which are is mycity social:mycity social is a us-Based full-Service digital marketing company. Our focus is on providing our clients with the highest level of customer service along with quality seo and digital marketing services. Mycity social has been in business for over 7 years and has a team of over 50 us-Based employees in addition to freelancers and customers located all over the world. Mycity social has moved from being a small regional-Based company in the last two years to a fast-Growing international digital marketing company that is growing very the position is monday - Friday and will be a full time position working on eastern time. This is a salary position so hours may demonstrable ability to understand and implement successful seo leadership to manage service experience and ability to handle customer proficiency in written and spoken : r$694,274.00 per monthExperience:- Seo: 2 years (required)- Management: 1 year (required).

Cód. 10006320
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