1 VAGA DE Desenvolvedor EM São Paulo / SP

Função/cargo da vaga:



Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.

Salário da vaga de emprego de Desenvolvedor:

A combinar


São Paulo / SP

Tipo de Vaga:

Home Office

Regime de contrato:


Descrição da vaga de Desenvolvedor:

(informação confidencial) Our platform uses machine learning to protect businesses from fraud while also protecting customers from false declines. We aim to give merchants ultimate control and transparency over fraud decisions while also optimizing conversion rates and payments. (informação confidencial) This is an opportunity to join our dedicated front-End team, where youll have the chance to work on various ui applications and browser plugins. As part of the team, youll have the chance to drive the future of our front-End architecture, tools, standards and practices. This exciting opening allows you to be at the forefront of our ever-Growing front-End team and contribute to an already extensive range of cutting-Edge customer and internal applications. Local Remoto Requisitos This is an opportunity to join our dedicated front-End team, where youll have the chance to work on various ui applications and browser plugins. As part of the team, youll have the chance to drive the future of our front-End architecture, tools, standards and practices. This exciting opening allows you to be at the forefront of our ever-Growing front-End team and contribute to an already extensive range of cutting-Edge customer and internal applications. Obrigatórios: 3+ years of hands-On experience with front-End technologies e.G. React, angular, javascript, jquery, css, html Excellent programming skills in javascript (es6+) Professionally proficient in english Experience with enterprise-Ready react applications (or other modern frameworks) A solid understanding of html and css Experience with unit testing in javascript with react Comfortable moving between libraries/patterns/technologies Experience using git in a collaborative environment Strong understanding of testing (unit, integration, manual, end-To-End) Enthusiastic engagement with the code review process Willingness to be on-Call Benefícios Refeição/alimentação Seguro de vida Plano de saúde Plano odontologico Notebook ou macbook Diferenciais: Semana de 4 dias de trabalho Contratação Clt (informação confidencial) Apply (informação confidencial) Tempo médio de feedbacks Costumamos feedbacks em até 15 dias após cada processo. Alocação Remoto Regime Clt Nível Sênior Aplicado! Done.

Cód. 10590580
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