1 VAGA DE Desenvolvedor de Sistemas EM São Paulo / SP

Função/cargo da vaga:

Desenvolvedor de Sistemas


Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.

Salário da vaga de emprego de Desenvolvedor de Sistemas:

A combinar


São Paulo / SP

Regime de contrato:


Descrição da vaga de Desenvolvedor de Sistemas:

A multinational american company search for a data transformation lead - For a temporary role. Job description: Utilize product and domain expertise to drive end-To-End responsibilities for product area related client projects (e.G., design and deliver client workshops or pitches, identify growth opportunities, resolve product challenges) for one or more customers to increase product adoption. ... Conduct product activation activities (e.G., interact with the product community, educate sellers on new products and betas, build competitive intelligence in the market) at scale, internally and externally. Drive customer impact work with customers to implement features and solutions in line with their cbos. Balance priorities of sector/pod/customers with business product areas. Own scoping of product related initiatives defined in overall sales business plans. Identify and recommend scalable solutions to drive continuous improvements in customer strategy, escalating/asking for input from more senior leaders when appropriate. Challenge Help develop customer and product strategy with multiple approaches, enabling short and longer-Term opportunities. Identify and recommend new processes, procedures, and methods for product adoption strategy with foresight to anticipate and address future needs by partnering and collaborating with regional partners/stakeholders. Navigate a diverse set of customers from multiple verticals/sub-Verticals, modifying approach to meet unique needs. Influence Influence and build relationships across multiple teams and functions to address customer product needs and close deals, bringing a cohesive onegoogle solution to customers. Utilize rich relationships, internally and externally, offering support and direction to team members. Contribute to primary relationships with customers, acting as a product sme for customers/agencies. Provide product teams with feedback. Skill/experience/education Mandatory consultative skills Ability to understand stakeholder needs through dialogue before conducting analysis and making recommendations. Customer conversations: ability to utilize open, closed, and leading questioning techniques to understand underlying beliefs, motivations, and causes for behaviors, needs, and desires. Customer research: knowledge of the customers organization, industry, competition, and end-Customers. Data-Driven analysis and reporting: ability to combine technical and financial data to differentiate and position the value of google products, services, and solutions to create competitive advantage. Product solutions: ability to articulate how customers and partners can use the client products, services, and solutions to identify needs, solve problems, and drive growth. Industry knowledge: ability to analyze and apply industry, market, and organizational information to strategies and plans. Influencing others: ability to positively influence individuals in a customers organization who can help others make a conscious decision on the proposed product, service, or solution. Operations management strategy: ability to leverage standards-Based business practices to ensure materials, equipment, and technology deliver efficient and effective business outcomes. Opportunity and pipeline management: ability to discover opportunities to deliver expanded customer value by effectively managing the pipeline throughout the entire sales/customer lifecycle. Persuasion skills: ability to gain commitment to a product, service, or idea from partners, customers, and stakeholders using data and appropriate communication or storytelling methods. Sales acumen: ability to use knowledge of the customers buying cycle and competitors offerings to position and drive the business to the next level. Sales/partnership strategy and techniques: ability to establish or adapt sales/partnership strategies by integrating and applying ones understanding of the customer, competitive intelligence, external trends, and data from lagging/leading metrics. This includes knowledge and application of basic sales/partnership concepts and techniques (e.G., discovery, qualifying individuals, relationship mapping, objection handling, upselling, closing, outreach). Situational leadership: ability to interact confidently, clearly and respectfully with others, especially senior leaders of the organization, to present/defend/clarify concerns or issues regarding an existing project, program or solution. This includes the ability to effectively address difficult questions, handle pushback from a high-Level audience, and maintain a professional demeanor while engaging in difficult or sometimes high-Pressure situations.

Cód. 10660284
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