1 VAGA DE Designer EM Rio de Janeiro / RJ

Função/cargo da vaga:



Nome da empresa disponível para cadastrados.

Salário da vaga de emprego de Designer:

A combinar


Rio de Janeiro / RJ

Tipo de Vaga:

Home Office

Regime de contrato:


Descrição da vaga de Designer:

Responsibilities 1) develop and maintain effective working relationships establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues and visitors to the working environment establish and maintain effective communications with colleagues and supervisors carry out accurate and effective work handovers 2) conduct slinging and rigging operations check preparation of loads for lifting. (load is secure and stable.) use various lifting items (plate clamps, barrel lifters chain hoists etc). Perform bundling and slinging of simple and awkward loads maintain slinging equipment(slings, hooks, webbing plate clamps, barrel lifters chain hoists etc) 3) perform effective signalling/communications direct the movement and placing of loads using appropriate hand and radio communication techniques rig, sling and position blind load using appropriate hand signals. Rig, sling and position blind load using radio communications 4) perform preparation and cleaning of equipment for maintenance or coating prepare the site for abrasive blasting and clean surfaces using abrasive tools paint or coat the worksite using correct colours, paints or protective coatings. Examine portable power and hand tools before and after use reporting any defects immediately restore the worksite after cleaning and coating 5) contribute to the health and safety of the working environment work area within your own responsibility is kept clean and free of hazards. Positive action is taken to stop hazards and unsafe behaviours alarms are raised as appropriate and/or acted upon using applied policies and procedures or initiative all potential and actual incidents are reported to the relevant supervisor record maintenance activities and report defects immediately and effectively 6) monitor and maintain pollution control measures controlled process or utility discharges from the area of responsibility to the environment are within prescribed limits unplanned discharges are identified, halted where possible, and reported according to management system guidelines. Equipment, waste or other materials for disposal are segregated properly and dealt with according to the correct procedure. 7) perform emergency response role carry out emergency response role. Demonstrate competence during er drills and exercises. Requirements over 2 years of experience in a deck capacity in the offshore or shipping industries. Stcw reg aii/4 certification. Medically fit with offshore international standards such as eng1 or equivalent. Personal skills: personal: conscientious. Safe. Capable of assertive and positive communication and performance. Leadership: good level of teamwork and safety behaviour. Sufficient ability in written and spoken communication in english language to enable safe work handovers and emergency response. Technical: appropriate standard of technical, legal and professional knowledge as defined by competencies.

Cód. 10035199
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